Baiju Finance is a key partner with goGopalgo. Both have announced an initial pilot of USD 25000.00 towards micro lending to the underserved community of domestic, migrant workers in Uttar Pardesh, Bihar and Daharvi in Mumbai.
The above pilot is based on a developing relevant credit model that they jointly call ASHA (happy, wish, alive, well, fortunate – some of the meanings of Asha). This is a critical project that is working to ensure that the millions of individuals and families (domestic, migrant workers and their families) that are excluded from the formal economy due to lack of data on them or just simply ignored – but have an ASHA (dream,hope to live well and be happy and educate their children) – have a universal platform that enables empowerment and inclusivity.
ASHA will be the new gold standard for credit lending by institutions and accepted by industry at large, also the Regulators and the Government in time and will be used as an enabler for other industries as well. ASHA is being developed as a Machine Learning network powered by AI that uses an IQ:EQ (Intelligent Quotient & Emotional Quotient) approach which incorporates Social Behavior parameters to determine the goodness (responsibility, accountability, community, family etc.) quotient of the individual and family to borrow money and their desire and ability to repay – IQ:EQ Inclusive Social Caring Impactful Lending – ASHA.
Whilst there are several players in the Indian traditional banking and fintech space that use AI and Machine Learning to create new platforms that utilize data to disburse loans quickly – the large community of Domestic, Migrant Workers and their families are underserved and continue to be excluded from the formal economy.
goGoplago & Baiju Finance with their specific focus on domestic, migrant worker are in partnership developing this new framework to have very targeted impact on this large community within India that continues to be dependent on loan sharks and is stuck in a vicious cycle of economic dependency.
For decades the Indian finance industry has been unable to lend to this community as it bases its decisions on traditional credit scoring mechanisms that rely on documentation and a credit history. Technology has been a catalyst and allows fintech companies to establish a new criterion to lend and goGopalgo & Baiju together are developing ASHA which will through the established network and local knowledge of Baiju over time disburse social impactful caring loans to the domestic, migrant workers and their families.
goGopalgo started the initiative by collating data on domestic, migrant workers through a new set of parameters – this data is being developed into ASHA – the platform that will start the pilot to disburse initial loans and overtime this pilot will extend to a larger community base – caring social impactful lending.
Please do write to or if you would like further information.
Please also do visit the Data Forms section of the website to see the data collation sheets – the data of course has to be kept confidential but we will share themes and analytics that are emerging from the data and these will be available on the Data Forms section of the website.