
Financial & Educational inclusivity for all Domestic, Migrant Workers and their Children



goGopalgo is currently a social outreach project and over time we hope for it to become an impactful non-profit with a mission to expand financial and educational access to the underserved domestic, migrant worker’s community in India. We have embarked on a journey to work with impactful stakeholders to ensure that this community has access to financial inclusion and that their children have the means to be educated.

Aim & Objective

Firstly, working with key stakeholders to challenge and create a microcredit framework that will enable domestic, migrant workers to be included in the formal economy enabling this community to access credit at affordable interest rates, life insurance, and health care, and secondly, to develop pathways that allow their children to be educated, thereby ensuring that the ongoing cycle of generational economic and educational exclusion is broken.

We envision an India where all Indians are part of the GDP growth and domestic, migrant workers and their children hold the power to improve their lives.

Our work

Following a life-cycle approach, goGopalgo actively works for the prosperity of domestic and migrant workers and their families through welfare schemes focused on 3 key areas – creating a reliable credit score system, education for their children, and financial literacy. So far, we have been able to directly impact the lives of (here we need to put some number) domestic and migrant worker families.
